Pleurotus pulmonarius : Phoenix Oyster Mushroom Spore Print

Our Price


Weight 0.02 lbs

Spores supplied as spore prints on heavy foil. Packaged individually, and guaranteed clean and stable. Spore print size and density may vary based on species and variety.

Edibility: Edible
Substrate: Pasteurized straw, hardwood chips and sawdust, various grains, newspaper and cardboard.
Climate: Temperate

Available In: Single Spore Print Microscopy Kits

Strain Origin: Not clear, commercial strain

Cap: 5-20+cm in diameter, Grayish white to beige. Flesh somewhat thin.

Stem: Off-center attachment to caps. White.

Gills: White.

Spores: White to greyish, 7.5-11 by 3-4 micrometers, smooth and cylindrically shaped.

Comments: Although a temperate species in the wild, strains have been selected for tolerance of high temperatures and high productivity. A proven fruiting strain isolated from this collection is available in culture form.

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