Pleurotus columbinus : Blue Oyster Mushroom Spore Print

Our Price


Weight 0.02 lbs

Spores supplied as spore prints on heavy foil. Packaged individually, and guaranteed clean and stable. Spore print size and density may vary based on species and variety.

Cultivation Difficulty: Easy
Type: Edible
Substrate: Pasteurized straw, wood chips, sawdust, various grains, coffee grounds, agricultural waste, newspaper and cardboard.
Colonization/Fruiting Temperatures: 70-75F/60-70F

An attractive blue tinted Oyster mushroom with cultivation requirements similar to the Pearl or Common oyster mushroom. Blue Oysters fruit easily on a wide range of substrates and are good candidates for recycling wood and paper waste into edible mushrooms.

As with all Oyster mushrooms, Blue Oysters need plenty of fresh air to develop normally. High carbon dioxide levels from mushroom metabolism will accumulate in sealed growing environments and can reduce cap size and elongate stems severely. Fruiting in open humidity chambers with frequent fresh air exchange will produce best possible yields.

Blue coloration is very pronounced, especially in the early stages of development through maturation. Overly mature specimens lose deep blue coloration but retain a slight blue tint (see bottom image).

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