Spore Swabs

Spore Swabs

Psilocybe genera spores, provided on sterile swabs. Spores are supplied on a nylon tipped 6.5in sterile swab stick in a plastic collection tube. Each spore swab will include instructions on how to properly view your spores under a microscope.

Spore Swabs are limited in availability. Please check back regularly as our inventory will be changing frequently!

Need suggestions? Check out the Bestsellers box for the most desired varieties in each category.

California, Idaho, and Georgia residents: Orders requesting Psilocybe Genera Spores shipped to California, Idaho, and Georgia will be refused, voided, or refunded. Possession of these mushroom spores may be illegal in CA, ID, and GA without the proper permissions.

Psilocybe aff. natalensis (ochraceocentrata) : Natal Super Strain Spore Swab

Strain Origin: Unknown

California, Idaho, and Georgia residents: Orders requesting Psilocybe Genera Spores shipped to California, Idaho, and Georgia will be refused, voided, or refunded. Possession of these mushroom spores may be illegal in CA, ID, and GA without the proper permissions.



10% Off  

Psilocybe cubensis : Albino A+ Spore Swab

Strain Origin: Leucistic mutation of the A strain

California, Idaho, and Georgia residents: Orders requesting Psilocybe Genera Spores shipped to California, Idaho, and Georgia will be refused, voided, or refunded. Possession of these mushroom spores may be illegal in CA, ID, and GA without the proper permissions.



17% Off  

Psilocybe cubensis : Colombian Rust Spore Swab

Strain Origin: Colombia, South America

California, Idaho, and Georgia residents: Orders requesting Psilocybe Genera Spores shipped to California, Idaho, and Georgia will be refused, voided, or refunded. Possession of these mushroom spores may be illegal in CA, ID, and GA without the proper permissions.



17% Off  

Psilocybe cubensis : Oak Ridge Spore Swab

Strain Origin: Oak Ridge, TN

California, Idaho, and Georgia residents: Orders requesting Psilocybe Genera Spores shipped to California, Idaho, and Georgia will be refused, voided, or refunded. Possession of these mushroom spores may be illegal in CA, ID, and GA without the proper permissions.



17% Off  

Psilocybe cubensis : Tidal Wave Spore Swab

Strain Origin: Unknown

California, Idaho, and Georgia residents: Orders requesting Psilocybe Genera Spores shipped to California, Idaho, and Georgia will be refused, voided, or refunded. Possession of these mushroom spores may be illegal in CA, ID, and GA without the proper permissions.



17% Off  