Psilocybe cubensis : Oak Ridge Spore Swab

Market Price: $18.00
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Weight 0.11 lbs
SKU PSMICsw-0213

Psilocybe genera spores, provided on sterile swabs. Spores are supplied on a nylon tipped 6.5in sterile swab stick in a plastic collection tube. Each spore swab will include instructions on how to properly view your spores under a microscope.

Order this product and you will receive ONE sterile spore swab in plastic collection tube.

Habitat: Equine Dung and Enriched Soils

Climate: Subtropical

Strain Origin: Oak Ridge, TN

Cap: 25-75 mm in diameter, hemispheric to convex expanding to broadly convex to nearly plane with age. Dark red maturing to golden brown. Fine fibrillose veil remnants when young that soon disappear. Flesh white soon bruising bluish green.

Stem: 150-200+ mm in length. Typically equal, sometimes slightly enlarged at base, sometimes contorted. Yellowish to buff with a reflective sheen, bruising bluish, hollow. Partial veil membranous leaving a persistent membranous annulus that is well dusted with purplish brown spores even before tearing away from the cap.

Gills: Attachment adnate to adnexed. Grayish coloration in young fruit bodies becoming nearly black in maturity.

Spores: Dark purplish brown, subellipsoid, 13 by 8 micrometers on 4-spored basidia

Originally collected by Jeetered from equine dung, five miles west of the Y12 National Nuclear Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. This is the northernmost collection recorded for this species, and the variety is particularly cold-hardy and disease resistant.

* Spores intended for microscopy and taxonomy purposes only. Images provided for informational and educational reference only and originate from cultivators and labs outside the US. Cultivation of this species is illegal in many countries including the United States. Please check your local regulations.

California, Idaho, and Georgia residents: Orders requesting Psilocybe Genera Spores shipped to California, Idaho, and Georgia will be refused, voided, or refunded. Possession of these mushroom spores may be illegal in CA, ID, and GA without the proper permissions.

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