Psilocybe cubensis : Sporeworks Choice Spore Syringe
Spores provided in sterile aqueous solution using 10cc BD Luer-Lok syringes. One 1.5in 16ga needle will be provided for each spore filled syringe.
Habitat: Bovine, Equine Dung and Enriched Soils The Sporeworks' Choice Spore Syringes are offered to provide a inexpensive alternative to those interested in microscopy of Psilocybe cubensis spores, but may not require a specific strain. The strain of Ps. cubensis will be selected at random from current inventory, often from overstock. When ordering more than one spore syringe every effort will be made to provide different strains with your order, however you may receive duplicates. Spore syringes purchased through this offer will be clearly labeled with strain name and lot numbers. Some selections not currently listed on our Spores For Microscopy page may also be available exclusively through this offer. The pictures at below are a small representation of the strains available and do not indicate what will be included in your Sporeworks' Choice Spore Syringe Special purchase. * Spores intended for microscopy and taxonomy purposes only. Images provided for informational and educational reference only and originate from cultivators and labs outside the US. Cultivation of this species is illegal in many countries including the United States. Please check your local regulations. California, Idaho, and Georgia residents: Orders requesting Psilocybe Genera Spores shipped to California, Idaho, and Georgia will be refused, voided, or refunded. Possession of these mushroom spores may be illegal in CA, ID, and GA without the proper permissions. |

Psilocybe cubensis : Corumba Brazil

Psilocybe cubensis : PES Amazonian

Psilocybe cubensis : Ecuador

Psilocybe cubensis : B+ Strain

Psilocybe cubensis : Colombian Rust Spore

Psilocybe cubensis : Chitwan Nepal

Psilocybe cubensis : Malabar Coast