Psilocybe cubensis : PF Redspore Spore Print
Spores supplied as spore prints on heavy foil. Packaged individually, and guaranteed clean and stable. Spore print size and density may vary based on species and variety.
Habitat: Bovine, Equine Dung and Enriched Soils Strain Origin: Red spored variant of PF Classic. Cap: 50-75+ mm in diameter, broadly convex to plane at maturity. Surface dry bruising bluish. Stem: 150 mm in length, bulbous. Flesh bruising bluish green where injured. Partial veil nearly absent not usually leaving a ring on the stem. Gills: Attachment adnate to adnexed. Brown.
Spores: Reddish brown drying to brown, subellipsoid on 4-spored basidia. Comments: Another spontaneous mutation of the PF classic. The normal coloration of a Psilocybe cubensis spore print is a dark purple-brown. This mutant strain apparently lacks the ability to produce the darker pigment(s) and thus produces an unusual brownish red spore. This strain should not be confused with the unrelated Redboy strain of cubensis. See also PF albino and PF classic. * Spores intended for microscopy and taxonomy purposes only. Images provided for informational and educational reference only and originate from cultivators and labs outside the US. Cultivation of this species is illegal in many countries including the United States. Please check your local regulations.
Note: Lighter spore pigmentation makes spores of this strain more difficult to inspect with the naked eye, however be assured each spore syringe microscopy kit contains ample spore material for performance of proper microscopy. California, Idaho, and Georgia residents: Orders requesting Psilocybe Genera Spores shipped to California, Idaho, and Georgia will be refused, voided, or refunded. Possession of these mushroom spores may be illegal in CA, ID, and GA without the proper permissions. |