Culture Syringe 4 Pack : Customer's Choice
Material provided in nutrient aqueous solution using 10cc Luer-Lok syringes. One 1.5in 16ga needle will be provided for each syringe. The Culture Syringe 4 Pack : Customer's Choice selection is presented to provide an inexpensive alternative to those interested in exploring cultivation of multiple mushroom species. ATTENTION: Choose and list your four desired cultures in the "Choose Your Cultures" box below. Please note if you are willing to accept substitute species selections for items which may be temporarily backlogged or out of stock (this may speed the processing of your order). Available Cultures:
The pictures below are a small representation of the species available and do not indicate what will be included in the Culture Syringe 4 Pack : Customer's Choice purchase. |

Pleurotus ostreatus : Pearl Oyster Mushroom

Hericium erinaceus : Lion's Mane Mushroom

Pleurotus djamor : Pink Oyster Mushroom

Pleurotus columbinus : Blue Oyster Mushroom Culture

Agaricus bitorquis : Warm weather button mushroom

Coprinus comatus : Shaggy Mane Mushroom

Panellus stipticus wild fruiting

Morchella importuna : Black Landscape Morel Mushroom